Locked In My Head’s About

I write about life and personal thoughts. Please try to understand my truth or triggers; I struggle, yet I can share my joy. Portions of my site stem from chronic illness, pain, and mental anguish, but parts are also living. Sometimes, I’m trying to stay alive. This is me, and I want others to feel and know they’re not alone. I want to share (and remind myself) that we as individuals are enough and have value. YOU ARE ENOUGH. YOU MATTER, no matter what you or others say. There is no one else in this world identical to you.

I write about my life, my passions, and when I feel I need to speak up. Yes, you’re reading my thoughts, and sometimes my opinions. I hope I might provide comfort or acceptance; maybe some validation that you aren’t alone in what you’re facing.

This has been a project of hope that I’ve done for probably a decade or more. Thank you to my followers and visitors for your commitment, comments, and anyone only stopping by. Hopefully, you will feel a little understood and not alone. Hopefully, you remember you’re enough as you are.
I’m only a message or email away to talk or try to listen.

*And please know.. All photos, videos, and posts… are given credit to their respective owners. You may NOT remove my personal photos from this site for outside use without permission; however, please feel free to share what I write or post with credit given.*

One thought on “Locked In My Head’s About

  1. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I have AS along with Bipolar as well. It is a difficult hand to have been dealt, I am far enough along with AS and fusion that I have started a bucket list of everything I want to do before I cannot. This is particularly difficult as I am an avid fisherman and always figured I would die with a pole in my hand. The diagnosis hit me hard to say the least. I was surprised to see a posting from someone else who has that quirky dual diagnosis.

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